Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Endangered Blondes

The blonde is always the heart of a joke. Somehow its a fact of life, the blonde is the dumb one. Every show on TV today portrays the blonde as the clueless one. Is it one girl that wrecks it for everyone else? No one is brave enough to stand up to the "oh, must be your hair colour" line but why not?

From birth, the blonde has to be ready from being torn apart by the animals that prey on blondes. Creepy old men, teenage boys and lastly, the enemy, the brunette. These vicious brunettes stare down the weak blonde with the painful stare. The brunette will attack without notice, and once spotted, will go for the kill. The blonde is becoming very rare amoung society from fear of death from the brunette.

The blonde is scrutinized constantly from any simple mistake made. For example, a cashier could forget to give a customer the correct amount of change. The cashier quickly remembers what she forgot and gives the correct amount of change. The customers response is, "must be her hair colour" Why should blondes today accept this hostility towards the colour on top of their head?

Who has begun the revolution of blonde jokes? Why cant some other hair colour take the fault for mistakes. Endangered blondes are becoming prevalent amoung society from fear of "The blonde jokes" and of course from fear of the predator, the brunette.

1 comment:

  1. 3 of 3 blogs complete and polished. 24/24. Excellent effort throughout the year, Sara. Good luck.

    Mr VC
