Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Endangered Blondes

The blonde is always the heart of a joke. Somehow its a fact of life, the blonde is the dumb one. Every show on TV today portrays the blonde as the clueless one. Is it one girl that wrecks it for everyone else? No one is brave enough to stand up to the "oh, must be your hair colour" line but why not?

From birth, the blonde has to be ready from being torn apart by the animals that prey on blondes. Creepy old men, teenage boys and lastly, the enemy, the brunette. These vicious brunettes stare down the weak blonde with the painful stare. The brunette will attack without notice, and once spotted, will go for the kill. The blonde is becoming very rare amoung society from fear of death from the brunette.

The blonde is scrutinized constantly from any simple mistake made. For example, a cashier could forget to give a customer the correct amount of change. The cashier quickly remembers what she forgot and gives the correct amount of change. The customers response is, "must be her hair colour" Why should blondes today accept this hostility towards the colour on top of their head?

Who has begun the revolution of blonde jokes? Why cant some other hair colour take the fault for mistakes. Endangered blondes are becoming prevalent amoung society from fear of "The blonde jokes" and of course from fear of the predator, the brunette.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Anxious for Attention

“… [W]hen girls cut themselves, they are getting a release of endogenous opiates-they’re actually getting high.” Such extreme ideas as this are shown in the article “Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls” by Maclean’s magazine. Dr. Leonard Sax is a Ph. D. psychologist and a medical doctor who has studied the lives of young adolescents today compared to adolescents lives decades before. His three main ideas are that anxiety is an escalating problem with teenage girls, the use of alcohol and self mutilation are a problem in both boys and girls and lastly, parenting should be taken seriously and limits should be set for the modern teenager.

Today, “…the average teenage girl is more anxious than the average girl admitted to a psychiatric unit for in-patient treatment 50 years ago.” Girls today are bombarded with the media’s ideas of how a teenage girl should be; girls have too many expectations to meet whether it’s what the media is telling them to be, to which university to enter. Dr. Sax is correct when he says that psychologically girls are “…frantic about whether [their] going to get into the university [they] want to go to.” Contrasting a boy that “… eats a whole pizza for supper and doesn’t bat an eye…” Girls think about every problem equally and do not prioritize problems as important or minuscule. Clearly, anxiety is the problem growing in the minds of many young women.

Another problem among teenagers is alcohol, It’s the drug of choice “… for decades, but girls’ use [is] increas[ing] and research shows that about 55 percent of university students [in treatment] for alcohol abuse are female.” To expand on an earlier point, a reason for young women drinking is anxiety; alcohol for the time being relieves the feeling of being anxious. Another issue that is rising in both males and females is self mutilation. A study two years ago in Victoria shows that young people in the age range of 14 to 21 are using self mutilation, roughly 16 percent. The interesting fact is that successful girls use self mutilation “The girls themselves tell you, ‘I cut myself because it’s real, it’s not fake.’” These girls are performing for society and get a sense of relief when they cut themselves, literally, “… they are getting a release of endogenous opiates.” Not only alcohol, but also self mutilation are the drugs of choice for teenagers today.

So where are the successful teenage girl’s parents when she is drinking or cutting herself? Some parents have the idea that teenagers today will learn from their mistakes and it won’t happen again. This idea is obviously not working, parents need to take initiative in setting limits for their children, Dr. Sax gives examples such as “‘No more than 30 minutes on [the computer] on school nights.’” A parent’s job is to protect their children and not to always be their friend. New forms of bullying exist such as, cyberbullying and if a parent is not playing an active role in distinguishing rules, their children could become “…the girl in Massachusetts who recently committed suicide after cyberbullying…” Parenting should be approached in a new way, to avoid more young deaths over cyberbullying.

Dr.Sax’s three main ideas of: anxiety escalating in young women, the problems with alcohol and self mutilation, and limits being set for teenagers today are all realistic and his views seem to be very accurate to what is becoming normal for most teenagers today. Unfortunately, these problems are not easy to fix but hopefully new approaches to dealing with these problems will emerge and help teens overcome their challenges.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Coulter's Conservative Cult

In our democratic society freedom of speech has restrictions, maybe we should change it to freedom (occasionally) of speech. Ann Coulter is at the apex of the debate about freedom of speech. She is a right wing legal correspondent for Human Events and writes a column for Universal Press Syndicate. The problem is over two controversial issues: her extreme views towards political issues, for example, she believes that extremists in Muslim countries should be killed and the country should be converted to Christianity. The other issue is that the University of Ottawa asked her to "...weigh [her] words with respect and civility in mind." Coulter feels that she is a victim of a hate crime and that she has the right to freedom of speech.

To elaborate on the hate crime, Coulter feels that Francois Houle, a representative from the University of Ottawa, is "...promoting hatred towards an identifiable group: conservatives." Ann was told to show "...respect in expressing even provocative and controversial opinions."There is also a worry that a riot will break out at the University from her speech as well. She not only feels that he is promoting hate but is also "... publicizing his belief that conservatives are more likely to commit hate crimes in their speeches."

So what does this mean to Ann Coulter and Canadians? Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms every Canadian citizen has the right to freedom of religion and as Coulter blatantly stated that, Muslim countries should have terrorists killed and the country changed to Christianity is not only disrespecting Muslims but is offending their religion. Canadians have the right to whichever religion they desire and someone cannot force another religion on them. So, the big issue here is freedom of speech, how much can someone say? According to the Bill of Rights citizens are not allowed to incite or promote hatred, or advocate or promote genocide against certain specified groups, this is exactly what Ann Coulter has accomplished. A problem in this is that she is an American citizen, so she can say what she has under the American Bill of Rights but can she do that in Canada?

In my opinion, I think she should not be allowed to promote her views in Canada. She is an extreme right wing conservative and in Canada harsh views aren't exactly welcome. I believe that she certainly passed the freedom of speech restrictions and is obtrusively trying to offend other races and is forcefully pushing her ideas. She is an extremist that I believe should not be allowed in Canada if she is going to disrespect Canadian Laws.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Love is Blind

I woke up at the crack of dawn , it was raining cats and dogs and I knew today was the day to fall in love. I was walking to work when I saw him, he was truely the cream of the crop. I went out on a limb and decided to talk to him, my stomach was full of butterflies and (knock on wood) he was the guy for me. When we met it was love at first sight and there was an instant connection. The love between us was truely heaven on earth. He was dumb as a stump but I didn't mind, I was happier than a duck in water that day and I told my friends all about this new guy in my life. They were'nt very impressed but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I was head over heels in love. A few days later we met up again, he was even sweeter than apple pie and we made it official, I just bought my new dog.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Five

Saturday afternoon a plane crashed in Okanagan Lake,aboard were 154 passengers, 5 survived. Among these 5 is a local young women by the name of Sara. The next morning her parents came into her room to find that she was gone. Later that day they received a call from Sydney Australia, it was Sara. She said that she woke up that morning at the beach, but realized quickly that this was not Penticton. That night she stayed at a hotel in Sydney and the next morning when she awoke, was home. How is this possible? Does she really have the ability to teleport to anywhere in the world. This strange ability was soon noticed in 4 other people. Every morning these 5 people would wake up in different parts of the world. Each time this would happen they would meet one of the 4. These 5 people all were on this plane together when it crashed in Okanagan Lake, how are they able to all mysteriously arrive anywhere in the world. Maybe this power is sent to these 5 to bring peace to the world, maybe this teleporting ability was sent to them so they could see family members that they have never met. Or maybe to keep the world guessing. One might say this superpower is to bring people together. My question is this: where are you now Super Five?.