Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Coulter's Conservative Cult

In our democratic society freedom of speech has restrictions, maybe we should change it to freedom (occasionally) of speech. Ann Coulter is at the apex of the debate about freedom of speech. She is a right wing legal correspondent for Human Events and writes a column for Universal Press Syndicate. The problem is over two controversial issues: her extreme views towards political issues, for example, she believes that extremists in Muslim countries should be killed and the country should be converted to Christianity. The other issue is that the University of Ottawa asked her to "...weigh [her] words with respect and civility in mind." Coulter feels that she is a victim of a hate crime and that she has the right to freedom of speech.

To elaborate on the hate crime, Coulter feels that Francois Houle, a representative from the University of Ottawa, is "...promoting hatred towards an identifiable group: conservatives." Ann was told to show "...respect in expressing even provocative and controversial opinions."There is also a worry that a riot will break out at the University from her speech as well. She not only feels that he is promoting hate but is also "... publicizing his belief that conservatives are more likely to commit hate crimes in their speeches."

So what does this mean to Ann Coulter and Canadians? Under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms every Canadian citizen has the right to freedom of religion and as Coulter blatantly stated that, Muslim countries should have terrorists killed and the country changed to Christianity is not only disrespecting Muslims but is offending their religion. Canadians have the right to whichever religion they desire and someone cannot force another religion on them. So, the big issue here is freedom of speech, how much can someone say? According to the Bill of Rights citizens are not allowed to incite or promote hatred, or advocate or promote genocide against certain specified groups, this is exactly what Ann Coulter has accomplished. A problem in this is that she is an American citizen, so she can say what she has under the American Bill of Rights but can she do that in Canada?

In my opinion, I think she should not be allowed to promote her views in Canada. She is an extreme right wing conservative and in Canada harsh views aren't exactly welcome. I believe that she certainly passed the freedom of speech restrictions and is obtrusively trying to offend other races and is forcefully pushing her ideas. She is an extremist that I believe should not be allowed in Canada if she is going to disrespect Canadian Laws.

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